Celine Halioua
Celine Halioua

 Loyal’s New Values

July 2, 2022

I wrote Loyal’s (then Celevity) first set of values back in late 2019 when the company was just me and an idea. While the intention of a founder is a key ingredient in a company’s culture, the true culture of the company is determined and lived by the team.

2.5 years later and a team over 60, it felt time to update our values. These new values were ideated by the team and I, finalized by the leadership team and I, and launched this week at our company-wide retreat.

Lean into moonshots.

We do not settle for incremental change. We have the bravery to take risks, and shoot for the impact we want to have on the aging field and for patients. 

Opportunity is at the intersection.

We combine disciplines, expertises, and perspectives not normally adjacent in a small company. We design our organization to facilitate cross-pollination and cross-collaboration. We reject silos, lean into the challenges of a cross-disciplinary team, and value the rewards.

Expertise without ego. 

Titles do not determine who has a voice at Loyal. We recognize that context and expertise is often bottoms up. We work on hard, technical problems, execute excellently, and have a ton of fun while at it. 

Learn by doing.

Our path is novel and many of the things we are doing have never been done before. We lean into MVPs, trial runs, and are open to unexpected outcomes. We fail strategically to ensure we succeed strategically.

Transparency and rejecting paternalism.

We value leading with context. We equip people with the context and background necessary to make their own decisions and act in the best interest of Loyal. We bring people along with our science and story and clearly communicate complicated topics. We look forward to educating the general public on the aging thesis and canine health.

Empathy and respect for all life.

Our patients are not just numbers. Our work is intentional, thoughtful, and guided by respect a for life. We take our responsibility to pets, pet parents, and the broader scientific community very seriously. Our desire to bring to market commercially successful products does not supercede our commitment to responsible science.


Excited and honored to continue building with this amazing team <3